Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fondant Virgin

Fondant. I thought that's what "fancy" decorators used. Well, they do, but I had no idea how much harder working with buttercream was... Real cake mastery lies in perfecting the peskiness of soft icing...I found out though, I like working with fondant. It's finicky and doesn't taste great, but I had fun with my first-ever experience. And making the ribbon out of gumpaste was a good trick to learn. I was happy with this cake, and it was the first time I got real ooos and ahhhhs out of family and friends. Maybe I was catching on!?

If you don't exercise your creative muscle you lose it... just like real muscle. I know I work in Marketing and Public Relations, and have for years, and that sounds creative... but it's an oddly limiting kind of creative. My new hobby is about color and concept and making something come to life that you sketch on paper. It's kind of fun...

(cake circa November 2007)

Happy First Fondant Cake.

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