Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Lil' sis and I worked on this one together. What do we do for Dad's cake?
Golf? Whatta a snooze-fest.

Dad... Dad... When we think of Dad? What comes to mind? Besides the Godfather and the chicken dance?

Sis suggests that crazy song Dad always sings-- the one I had always thought he made up, but then I heard it on NPR last month and called him at 7 a.m. to say "DAD!! I heard your crazy song on the radio!" Turns out it really was some crazy exercise song from the 50s or something.

Push-ups, every morning
ten times, not just now and then
give that chicken fat back to the chicken
and don't be a chicken again...
don't be a chicken again.

I've heard this a million times between 4 years old and 27 years old-- so what better way to honor my dad with a cake interpretation of this silly little tune?

This was pure fun -- and the second we revealed the cake, he got it!
[picture coming soon]